Friends, family, foes.
Collected Wurks

The Ultimate Zombie Killing Weapon!

What could it possibly be?  Here at ZCP we've spent many critical hours debating what the final choice in ultimate zombie-fighting gear could be.

WEAPON:            PROBLEM
Knife or sword:      Proximity, may get stuck in body parts, user easily overpowered in a crowd.
Gun:                    Too wimpy, time spent reloading could be fatal, gun can jam.
Shotgun:              Not enough rounds for crowd.  Too slow.
Cricket bat:          Possibly break or be taken away, user tires quickly.
Baseball bat:        See cricket bat, above.
Car/Truck:            Zero defenses, glass breaks too easily, tires not made for driving over piles of bodies.
Tank:                  Too slow, too noisy... they may not be able to get to you, but they can follow you anywhere!
Chainsaw:           One of the better options, may jam or run out of gas.
Ping pong balls:   Please.
And so after much discussion, we here at ZCP determined the absolute best zombie fighting weapon is.....


Imagine a weapon that never tires, cuts through metal in seconds, and is light and easy to use.  A weapon that could behead hundreds of zombies per minute and keep going!  The lightsaber... the weapon of choice for a Zombie Attack.
*lightsaber not sold by or affiliated with Zombie Contingency Plan Inc. or it's affiliates.

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